
Hi, I'm balzacbutton. You can call me balzac.

'Balzac' means 'seizure' in Korean. So 'balzac button' is used like slang means certain point that makes you fly off the handle. I felt the energy in this word. Sometimes negative emotions are useful because they have explosive energy. Everyone has a “balzacbutton”, big or small. I believe our everyday experiences are deeply individual, yet universal, allowing us to comprehend and empathize with others about things that we actually have never gone through.

Then before introducing "Peer to Peer", I’d like to go through some of my previous works to share my artistic approaches and ideas. If you want to rea the description of "Peer to Peer" right away, click here.

The outside of the outside

First, the primary theme throughout my work is that all human beings are interconnected. I like Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious. Simply put, the entire human race shares a memory. The definition of meme(mimesis + gene) by Richard Dawkins is pretty much similar to the Jung’s archetype. (Richard Dawkins discusses cultural phenomena with scientific explanation whereas Jung borrowed Lamarck’s theory that acquired characteristics are inheritable to explain the collective unconscious.).

I have been exploring mostly about how I am related to others and how I see the world. Who are the others? Others could refer to other selves or it could mean the whole world outside me. Something unknown within me could also be seen as others.